Sometimes We Need To Re-Prioritize
The promise of blessing in this passage begins with the caution, “If you fully obey the Lord your God.” We all want God’s blessing, but we are not as anxious to follow his commands.
It is popular today for preachers to talk about sowing seeds (into their ministry of course) to reap a bountiful harvest. It is not popular to preach that these blessings are promised only to those who live in obedience of God’s will.
Not every time we are in a financial strait is it related to obedience, but it does happen often enough that we should pay attention to our lifestyle. If we find ourselves unable to make the monthly payments on our two cars, boat, sports club, big screen TV and assorted other toys, we may need to re-evaluate our priorities.
On the other hand there is the promise of prosperity and continued blessing to those who follow the Lord whole heartedly.
Our challenge is to serve without expecting a reward and receive his blessing without feeling a sense of entitlement.
Prayer: Lord, I didn’t think I was being less than committed to your will, but if I have had my priorities mixed up, grant me the will to surrender all of these things to you and trust you for the outcome. I will trust you as I serve you. In the Name of Jesus I ask. Amen.
Message: The promise of blessing in our Scripture for today begins with the caution, “If you fully obey the Lord your God.” We all want God’s blessing, but we are not as anxious to follow his commands. Our challenge is to serve without expecting a reward and receive his blessing without feeling a sense of entitlement.
Affirmation: I am carefully to follow all of God's commands and am receiving the blessing which comes with obedience.
Reflection: God has promised blessing, but he does put conditions on his blessing. Think carefully on this statement, "Our challenge is to serve without expecting a reward and receive his blessing without feeling a sense of entitlement. What does that mean to you?
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