When you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. – Matthew 6:3-4
Isn’t that just a little impractical? I mean, how can a person give with one hand and not let the other hand know? How can the other hand keep from knowing? The absurdity of the idea is a clue that Jesus is giving us a metaphor to prove a point.
The idea is not that we are to deceive ourselves as to what we are doing, but that we are to do acts of righteousness with a true heart. It is not about keeping a record of what we have done or what we have given. The point is that we do those things out of a right heart not out of a desire to be recognized for our good works.
I have a friend, a Christian business man, who does a lot of good for the kingdom of God. He has a heart for missions and does a lot of good works through giving to missionaries. It is known that he gives, but he is also recognized for his humility in giving.
I have had many conversations with my friend about missions. Not one time has he swelled his chest and said, “I give great sums to missions.” But I have seen him with tears in his eyes when he talks about the churches he has helped build and the children he has fed.
That is what Jesus is talking about. It really isn’t whether anyone knows we gave, or that we are purposely trying to keep our giving secret, but it is about our motivation for giving.
Even though Jesus mentions that the Father will reward those who give from a right heart, getting rewards is not the point he is making. The point is that there are needs and we are to do what we can to help those in need without consideration of whether there is a reward involved.
Most of us have never had a lot of money to give, but we do have a life to invest. My hope is that our lives will be invested in others that the kingdom may advance.
Prayer: Father, grant me the grace to keep a pure heart in the area of giving and serving that your name will be praised. Amen.
Principle: Even though Jesus mentions that the Father will reward those who give from a right heart, getting rewards is not the point he is making. The point is that there are needs and we are to do what we can to help those in need without consideration of whether there is a reward involved.
Affirmation: I understand the rewards of heaven are the response of the Father to sincere giving from a pure heart and that is why I invest my life in his kingdom and the works of his kingdom.
Reflection: How do you feel about the idea of investing in a good work, or a ministry so that you will receive a good reward? What about those ministries who ask you to sow a seed in their ministry so you will have a good harvest of finances?
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