Respect And Honor The Lord Your God
I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself an idol … You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God. - Exodus 20:1-7
The first 3 commands of the Big 10 deal with giving proper
respect and honor to the Lord God and the name by which he reveals himself. The first truth of our faith is: The Lord, he is God; there is none beside him. All that means is simply this; there is no other god.
God stands alone, he has no equal. Anything or anyone that
claims to be god is but a cheap imitation. The command about making idols is telling us not to deceive ourselves. We cannot fashion a god out of a substance (rock, wood, or iron) that the Lord God has created and say, “This is my god” without terribly offending the creator God. That is what we do when we allow
something else in our life to take precedence over the Lord God.
When you say, “I am a Christian,” you have taken his name. Be careful that you do not act in such a way that disrespects his name. You should refuse to be involved in any activity that does not show respect for the Lord God.
Give respect and honor to the Lord our God. Refuse to be involved in any activity that does not honor God and be careful that you do not act in a way that disrespects his name.
Prayer: Lord, I do not consciously worship other gods, but too often I let the things of this world come between you and me. Grant me the grace to always give honor to you and your name. In Jesus name, amen.