Daniel – A Man Of Principle
Daniel was one of the young princes of Judah that was taken to Babylon under king Nebuchadnezzar. Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah, better known as Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, were chosen by the king for service because of their extreme intelligence and their attitude in service.
These mighty men of God were committed to the principles they had learned as children and were not willing to compromise, even if it meant their own lives were at stake.
The story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego going into the furnace of fire and God’s miraculous deliverance is well known among believers. Daniel in the den of lions is another well known story. A lesser known story is the one that got them admitted into the king’s service.
These young men were chosen to be trained for the position that the king had chosen for them. They were to be fed a certain diet and they were we to be trained in all manner of wisdom. These young Hebrews refused to eat the diet they were offered and insisted on food that they were allowed to eat by the law.
Their character was shown when they stood up to their trainers and insisted on food they were accustomed to. Because they lived in obedience to God they were more healthy than others and God gave them exceptional wisdom in all things.
It was their principled stand that released God’s favor upon them and ultimately led to the recognition they received from the king. And because of their principled stand on these matters the king eventually declared, “In every part of my kingdom people must fear and reverence the God of Daniel.”
Prayer: Lord, it isn’t easy to stand when everyone else is bowing. Give me convictions from your word and grant me the grace to stand on your principles. In Jesus name, amen.
Principle: When people of principle stand against those in authority who oppose their principles God will work miracles.
Affirmation: I am committed to standing for the Word of God and all of the principles it proclaims. That is why I expect God to work miracles which will confirm his Word.
Reflection: We are often tempted to compromise our principles for convenience, or to avoid persecution. We cannot forget that the whole kingdom was called to worship the Lord as God because Daniel and the other princes were committed to serving God and follow his Word.
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