The Forerunner Is Coming
The biblical history of man is that he continually wanders from the path that God has laid out for him to follow. The way of man is a path that leads from life to destruction – To know life man must find the highway of hope.
John the Baptist was the voice crying out in the desert calling for people to repent. Their path had been very religious, but not very spiritual. The religious leaders of that day were very much like some leaders today. They rigidly hold to their understanding of the word of God, but they have very little understanding of the love-purpose that drove God to give us his words of life.
God wanted to show his glory to the world, but the way had to be prepared. Paul wrote to the church at Galatia, “When the time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman,” (Galatians 4:4).
John, the forerunner, was preparing the way for God to bring redemption to mankind through Jesus the Christ.
John declared that repentance prepared the way of the Lord and that is true today. When we come to God truly repentant and willing to change, his glory is revealed to us and in us. The Christ has come and now he dwells in us. Hallelujah.
Prayer: Thank you Lord for sending the one who would prepare the way for the Christ. And I thank you for the hope that is in me because my heart has been prepared to receive the Christ and his glory. Amen.
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