Jesus and the New Testament writers contrast light and dark in many passages. The concept is that light is good and darkness is evil. In one passage Jesus said, “Men love the dark because their deeds are evil” (John 3:19). Walking with Jesus is walking in the light – walking in the world without Jesus is walking in the dark.
What makes one way of life dark and another way of life light? Light is truth and darkness is deception. When we walk in the truth we walk in the light and are not deceived by the darkness. When we are not walking in truth we may try to convince ourselves we are in the light but the effect of our walk is that we are in darkness.
The deception of darkness is that it keeps promising what it can’t deliver. It promises peace and prosperity at the expense of truth and integrity. It promises friends and pleasure but delivers loneliness and pain. Darkness is the perception that we don’t need God and that we can achieve all that we desire all by ourselves.
Jesus was telling the world that the message he preached was true and that the way of life he promoted would not only lead to being right with God but it would also lead to peace and prosperity.
If this is true, then why are there still so many people trying to do it on their own? It is the deception of darkness. In John 1:5 it is written, “The light shines in darkness but the darkness has not understood it.” The spirit of darkness tells us the way of light is too hard for us and besides that we can achieve all that we desire on our own.
The truth is that man can achieve great things on his own. No other creature on earth has the creative capacity of man, but the ultimate truth is that all of those things will not answer man’s need for the peace that only God can give. Only walking in the light will give you lasting peace and contentment.
Prayer: Lord, I thank you for the light of Christ in my life. Help me to always choose the light of truth over the darkness of deception. Amen.
Principle: Jesus was telling the world that the message he preached was true and that the way of life he promoted would not only lead to being right with God but it would also lead to peace and prosperity.
Affirmation: Everything outside of God and faith in Christ is darkness. I am a follower of Christ therefore I walk in the light and not in the darkness.
Reflection: Give some thought to the idea that the darkness promises what it can't deliver. How has that affected your life before you became a Christ follower? How fulfilled were you when walking in darkness as compared to how fulfilled you are now as a Christ follower?