The Lord’s Faithfulness Is A Refreshing Drink
There is a river in California called the Yuba River. Once on a vacation we camped along the Yuba way up in the Sierras. It was there, along beside the road that we came to the source of this mighty river. Very cold and fresh water was flowing out the granite wall that was along beside the road. It wasn’t a river there, it was just a spring coming out the side of the mountain.
I have never heard of that spring, which was the beginning of a mighty river, never running dry. It is always there and the water is always fresh. Along the way there are other springs that join the river along with other small creeks and rivers. Finally the Yuba joins the Sacramento River on its’ way to the ocean. Before it reaches the Pacific Ocean it is a mighty river hundreds of yards across, and it began as a spring coming out of the side of a mountain.
Such are the blessings of the Lord that the psalmist is writing about in this passage. God’s love and blessing forever flow from the mountain that is called Christ. It is always a cool and refreshing drink when we taste of his goodness.
As we journey with him his blessings, which seem small at first, are added to daily until they become a mighty river of grace that flows from the heart of God. When we think of his goodness and mercy we are inspired as the psalmist to sing of the Lord’s great love forever.
There are times when I long to walk beside the cool waters of the Yuba River and to be refreshed by the cool sweet taste, but there is no longing like that which takes my soul in search of the cool and refreshing grace of God which flows abundantly from the throne of the Most high.
Let us drink – his grace is free, his love is everlasting and he is faithful.
Prayer: Lord, your everlasting love never fails to refresh my weary soul in every trying time. Thank you, In Jesus name, for your faithfulness.
Message: God’s love and blessing forever flow from the mountain that is called Christ. It is always a cool and refreshing drink when we taste of his goodness.
Affirmation: The faithfulness of God has always been a cool and refreshing drink to my soul. His faithfulness toward me inspires me to be faithful toward him.
Reflection: It is good to think of the many blessings God has given us and to join with David in singing of the "Lord's great love forever." As you think about the blessings of God sing praises to him mentioning your thankfulness.
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