Jesus is revealing yet another truth to his disciples. They now understood that he was the Messiah, the Christ of God, but they as yet did not comprehend his deity. He is about to reveal a great truth to them.
Philip was probably a little confused when he said, “Lord, show us the Father,” and he most certainly was not prepared for the way Jesus responded. “Don’t you know me Philip?” Jesus asked.
It seems that Jesus had saved the best revelation for the last. There had been many prophets and many false messiahs; but there had never been one to make such a bold claim. They have just barely grown to accept him as Christ, now he is revealing that he indeed is Christ, but he is so much more; he is the very physical presence of the eternal God.
The concept of incarnation for the purpose of redemption is unique to Christianity. In mythology there are stories of gods becoming men, but none of them have the concept of God becoming man do die as a man so that all men might have access to the grace of redemption.
The apostle Paul tells us that, “God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself” (2 Corinthians 5:19 KJV). Yes, when they saw Jesus they saw very God made manifest before them.
We have hope today because God, the very God of eternity, became man, lived on earth to show us the way, died to give us the opportunity of redemption, rose again to give us hope and he is coming again to take us to our eternal home. Hallelujah.
Prayer: Thank you for the redemption that is by faith in Christ. Amen.
Principle: We have hope today because God, the very God of eternity, became man, lived on earth to show us the way, died to give us the opportunity of redemption, rose again to give us hope and he is coming again to take us to our eternal home.
Affirmation: I have hope today because the very God of eternity became man to die for all men and to be raised from the dead to give all who trust him hope in eternity.
Reflection: The very core of our faith is that God became man that he might reconcile man to himself through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus, the Christ of redemption. How many other religions can make such a claim?