Restore Your Brother
Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual
should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted. Carry
each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. - Galatians 6:1-2
Two issues are being addressed in this short passage. The first
is our attitude toward others who are struggling and the second is about guarding our own hearts so that we do not
The way we respond to another who is struggling will be a factor in how we are affected by their failure. We are instructed to, “restore him gently.” To restore one gently we must have the goal of restoration rather than rebuke.
Our focus must be on the one being restored rather than focusing on the sin he has committed. When we do focus on the brother and his needs we will deal gently with him and patiently restore him. When we focus on the sin we open ourselves to be influenced by the sin.
I have been the victim of my own sinful folly and it was the loving restoration of people who had my interest at heart that helped me to be restored from my failure. That experience many years ago has helped me to be more loving and gentle with others who are struggling with failure.
Focus on the brother (or sister) – they will be restored and you will not be influenced by the sin. Choose to look beyond the sin and see the need for restoration.
Prayer: Lord, give me a heart that is firm in righteousness and gentle in restoring my brothers who have stumbled in their walk. Give me wisdom to discern how to gently restore. In Jesus name, amen.