Daily God Walk - Promises Volume Ten
- 2 Timothy 2:25-26
The goal is not just to present the truth, but to have others accept the truth. The godly teacher is more interested in winning people to Christ than he is in being an eloquent teacher.
Notice that Paul, in this passage, puts repentance before understanding the truth. That is interesting because we usually think of truth being the vehicle that brings folks to Christ. But here he is saying that gentle instruction will lead to repentance.
The test of a man’s ability to teach God’s truth is not in the beauty of his words but in the response of those he is teaching. Most people don’t need to hear that they are a sinner, they already know that. They need to know how that has affected them and how they can remedy it.
People want to know how they can make their life work better and we know the answer; faith in Christ. When people are presented with the hope of Christ a spark of faith is ignited and they become candidates for repentance and escaping the trap of the devil.
Learn to present the truth gently.
Prayer: Father, help me to keep the goal of bringing others to repentance ever in my mind. Grant me the wisdom to present the hope of Christ in such a way that others receive him. In Jesus name, amen.
Message: Our goal should not be just to present the truth, but to have others accept the truth. The test of a man’s ability to teach God’s truth is not in the beauty of his words but in the response of those he is teaching. The godly teacher is more interested in winning people to Christ than he is in being an eloquent teacher.
Affirmation: I am committed to presenting the gospel message in such a way that others are attracted to the hope it offers.
Reflection: People want to know how they can make their life work better and they aren’t too interested in doctrine. Do not fail to present Jesus as the answer regardless of what the needs are.
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