My dad always had a garden. It was not a small backyard garden, it was big. It was so big that when the vegetables ripened he put a sign out on the road inviting passersby to drop in and buy some vegetables.
When I was about five years old I decided to plant my own garden. Mom had a flower bed in front of our porch. I took a few beans from the kitchen out to mom’s flower garden. I pushed my finger into the soft dirt to make a hole for each of the beans, placed the beans in the holes and covered them up. Then I waited.
Being a young gardener, I was impatient. Every few minutes I would look to see if the beans were coming up yet. Finally, after an eternity of about five days, little sprouts began to stick up out of the dirt. Then day by day I watched as the sprouts became full sized plants. After an eternity of weeks the plants produced little flowers that grew into bean pods.
It was a long spring of waiting, but the reward was in the satisfaction of knowing I had raised a crop. Of course there was the reward at the dinner table too when mom served the fresh picked beans for dinner.
James is telling us that we must learn the lesson of the patient farmer. We must stand firm and wait patiently for our Lord to return. We must stand firm in the Christian faith, and we must stand firm in our personal faith.
When we come to Christ we are like the child who plants his first garden. We expect the harvest any day and anxiously await signs that the harvest is ready. Then, as the days go by and we become interested in other things, we can’t forget that the harvest is coming. He is coming, wait patiently and with expectancy.
Prayer: Lord, I’m still a little like that five year old gardener. I need patience and perseverance to endure until you return. Grant it in Jesus name, amen.
He’s Coming… Wait Patiently
Principle: We must learn the lesson of the patient farmer standing firm as we wait patiently for our Lord to return.
Affirmation: As the one who has planted seed in the ground waits for the time of harvest, so I, who have placed my faith in Christ, wait patiently for his return.
Reflection: James tells us that we should wait patiently for the return of the Lord just as a farmer waits patiently for harvest time. How should we be waiting for the Lord's return?
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