Daily God Walk - Promises Volume 11 - Day 10
Much of David’s young life was spent in hiding from king Saul who wanted to kill him. He would hide in the mountains and in caves. Often, he seemed close to death and his burdens became heavy.
In these verses David is lamenting that when his burden was heavy, and he was facing certain death, his Lord, who was always faithful, gave him a way of escape.
A unique factor in David’s circumstances is that he was anointed king, and God had already withheld his blessing from Saul because of his disobedience. So, why didn’t David just take the throne? It wasn’t because he didn’t have support, for the people loved him and wanted him as king.
So, what was his problem? David was a man of prayer and spiritual understanding and God had not released him to assume the throne.
It was because David was listening to God and not his own ambition that he was often in hiding for his life. He was in bad circumstances because he was obeying God and God was protecting him.
God has not promised us that we will not have hard times when we follow him, but he has promised that he will guide us through and give us a way of escape. Follow him, he’ll lead you to safety.
Prayer: OK Lord. I’ll quit complaining about my circumstances and start trusting you to guide me through. Grant me the faith to walk in obedience. In Jesus name, amen.
Message: It was David’s faith in the promises of God which gave him the strength to endure hardship. God has not promised us that we will not have hard times when we follow him, but he has promised that he will guide us through and give us a way of escape.
Affirmation: I trust God through the hard times because He is faithful to His promises.
Reflection: Reflect on the life of David, particularly the time when he knew he was to be king, but he ran from king Saul rather than fight for the kingdom. Why do you think he had that attitude?