Great peace have they who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble. - Psalm 119:165
Science teaches us that there is an order to everything. There is order in the way the planets in our solar system revolve around the Sun. There is order to the way plant life responds to the seasons. There is order to the way animals live and reproduce.
Where did all of this order originate? It all came from the God of order; the Lord God of creation. He created all things, both living things and non-living things, to exist according to a certain order – and that includes man.
Of all the creations of God, man is the one who has stepped out of God’s order and declared, “It looks good, it tastes good, it sounds good, I’m going to do it!” and the divine order of things was broken and fellowship was broken between God and man.
The result is that mankind goes about doing things according to the desires of his own wicked and rebellious heart, creating chaos as he goes. James asks the question, “What causes fights and quarrels among you?” Then he answers his own question, “Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you?” (James 4:1),
By following his own way man has made a wreck of this world. He is destroying the planet and destroying each other simply because he wants to do it his way and will not submit to God.
Then the psalmist writes, “Great peace have they who love your law.” Great peace awaits those who will submit to God and his law. The answer to world’s chaos is to submit to God and his law. That may not happen on a large scale, but it can certain become the rule in your life and my life.
Do you want great peace? Submit to God and his way and you will have peace.
Prayer: Lord, I’m just like every other human; I want to do it my way. I have learned, though that my way doesn’t work. Grant me the grace to surrender to your will and your law that I may live in peace. In Jesus name, amen.
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