The Veil Was Torn When It Was Finished
With these last words of Jesus, “It is finished,” an era which began with Adam and Eve had finally come to an end. When man sinned in the garden he was separated from God and a wall of separation was erected.
God placed an angel with a flaming sword at the entrance to the garden to keep man from going back into the garden and partaking of the tree of life. Man was separated from God and from eternal life.
This separation was further emphasized when God had Moses make a veil which would separate the common people from the presence of the Lord. God did make an exception and that was the high priest was allowed beyond the veil to effect atonement for the sins of the people but the average person was not allowed there.
The altar in the temple represented the fatal price of sin and the veil represented the separation between God and man caused by sin. For millennia man had suffered the altar and the veil with no remedy in sight.
Then Jesus came preaching that the kingdom of God was with them, but they still had the altar and the veil. The sacrifice of animals could atone for their sin, but the veil kept them separated from the glory of God
Then it was finished. The final sacrifice for sin had been made – there was no more need for sacrifice. The veil was ripped and man was finally given access to the glory of God. With the sin issue resolved by the death of Christ there was no more need for the veil.
God has released his glory to all who will receive Christ.
Prayer: Thank you Lord for the work of Calvary and the torn veil. Your grace has made the provision for my redemption.
Principle: The final sacrifice for sin had been made – there was no more need for sacrifice. The veil was ripped and man was finally given access to the glory of God. With the sin issue resolved by the death of Christ there was no more need for the veil.
Affirmation: Thank God for the torn veil. Now I have access directly to God and His Glory because of what Christ did for all who would follow him.
Reflection: Since man was put out of the Garden of Eden he was separated from the life God originally intended for him. Even the temple separated man from God. But the death of Jesus, the Lamb of God, being sacrificed on the cross, tore down the wall of partition between God and man.