Harvesters Needed
Among the frustrations of being rejected by the religious leaders and trying to break the traditions which had kept the Jews in bondage for so long, Jesus was also moved by the condition of the people. He saw that they felt harassed and helpless. He saw them as sheep without a shepherd.
The people were harassed by the Roman government which ruled over them as an occupying force. They were harassed by a religious system which put burdens of expectation upon them that no one could fulfill. And finally, they were harassed by their own desires that were counter to the law they had been taught.
In all of this they felt helpless to change. Every effort to raise themselves up to a new level of contentment and satisfaction in life left them feeling even more dejected and helpless.
Yes, they were indeed like sheep without a shepherd. Each one of them wandered from one teacher to another with each one promising what they could not give and leaving the hopeful hopeless. All they needed was a shepherd, a guide.
It was in this atmosphere that Jesus cried out to his disciples, “Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Jesus not only called his disciples to pray but he followed that prayer with an answer. In the very next verse, chapter 10 verse 1, Jesus called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out evil spirits and to heal every disease and sickness. Verses 5-8 tell us that Jesus sent them out to heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons and preach that the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
We are still under the mandate to ask the Lord of the harvest to send forth laborers into our current harvest fields. But there is a warning: If you pray that prayer be prepared to be called to work in the harvest. If you aren’t willing to go then be careful what you pray.
Prayer: Lord, Send laborers into the fields which are now ripe for harvest and help me to be willing to be one of those laborers. In Jesus name.
You Can Go Further With This Devotion
Every one of the inspiring devotions in the Daily God Walk seem to stimulate us to grow in our journey of faith. To facilitate that growth we offer the Study Guide Edition which includes:
- A section that pinpoints the message of that devotion
- An affirmation to affirm the message in prayer and meditation
- A section of reflection which is good for personal development as well as being good to use for discussion material in a small group setting.
- Also there is a a section called, "My Notes." This is an excellent tool to help you journal your thoughts daily.
Message: Moved by compassion Jesus cried out to his disciples, “Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” We are still under the mandate to ask the Lord of the harvest to send forth laborers into our current harvest fields. But there is a warning: If you pray that prayer be prepared to be called to work in the harvest. If you aren’t willing to go then be careful what you pray.
Affirmation: I too have been moved with compassion for the harassed, helpless, and lost. I have prayed for the Lord to send labors and he sent me.
Reflection: The world is the same today, only the names and faces have changed. There are still many who are harassed by the circumstances of life, helpless to change and wandering without a guide. Will you pray for this generation? Then will you be willing to enter the harvest fields?
My Thoughts: