Man Is Enemy To God In His Mind
It all started in the Garden of Eden. God had created a paradise for Adam and Eve and he gave them only one rule. They weren’t allowed to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Everything was peaceful in the garden. There was no sin, no brokenness, and no evil.
The problem was in the way God created man. You see, God could have created man without the ability to think, plan or devise schemes. He could have created man with only the ability to be obedient and to serve at his whim. If we were God we probably would have done that because we like being served.
God didn’t want mankind to serve him because he had no other choice, but he wanted to create an environment that would show man his love and God’s hope was that man would return that love, receive his favor, and honor his gift of life.
With the entire garden at their disposal Adam and Eve were intrigued by the thing they could not have. The tempter saw their interest and appeared before them one day and began to talk to them about a new way to think.
The serpent got them to thinking about the reason God didn’t want them to have knowledge of good and evil. He made it sound like God was afraid that if they knew what he knew they would then be like him.
In that line of thinking a new god was born. This new god, born in the mind of man, became the object of worship for every person who has lived since. This god is enemy to the Lord God and has alienated man from God.
Who is this god? It is the god of ego, self will – it is the god in our own mind which says, “I am as god. I am the master of my own destiny. I don’t need another god.”
Only through Christ can our alienation from God be resolved his mind become our mind.
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