Who Hid From Whom?
– Genesis 3:8
We have often heard that sin separates us from God and have wondered how that reconciles with the promise, “I will never leave you.” This story in Genesis of the first meeting with God after the sin gives us some insight into the problem.
An interesting result of gaining knowledge of good and evil is that we become aware of our nakedness and we feel guilty before the God we had disobeyed. The very wisdom man gained from the fruit brought condemnation upon him as he realized that he had offended God.
So, what did man do when he heard God coming? He hid among the trees. Here is an interesting analogy; God had created the trees to be the bearers of life. Their fruit was to be what sustained man, but now man was using the “blessing” to hide himself from God.
Isn’t that similar to what we do today? We get involved with all the blessings of creation and use them as an excuse to escape from the presence of God. We hide ourselves in the very things God intended to be used to enhance our relationship with him.
God didn’t hide from man, but man hid from God. We don’t know what might have happened if man had gone looking for God and fell at his feet begging forgiveness and mercy. We do know this though; God had a plan to restore man to confidence with him.
In the foreknowledge of God he knew this time would come and he had a plan. He had created man as an object of love and he wasn’t going to let the seduction of evil rob him of the fellowship he had intended. God had a plan to restore man to right relationship with him.
Thank God! We don’t have to hide anymore.
Prayer: Lord, grant me the grace to trust your wisdom and to submit to your plan of redemption through Christ the redeemer. In Jesus name, amen.
Message: The very wisdom man gained from the fruit brought condemnation upon him as he realized that he had offended God.
Affirmation: I know my actions have offended God and that is why I approach him asking for mercy and God, in mercy and love, extends his grace.
Reflection: Does God leave us when we sin? Or do we pull away from God in guilt and fear? Give some thought to the plan of God to not only redeem us from sin itself but to save us from our own willful nature.
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