The Church – His Body
Several scriptures speak of the mystery of God and Paul in this chapter makes that reference. One of the mysteries of God is that he dwelt in Christ and through Christ is reconciling the world to himself. Jesus, the Christ, was God’s body on earth. Now, according to this passage, we are the body of Christ.
The body of Christ in the earth today is the extension of the Christ, the anointing of God, that rested in Jesus. Jesus was one man on the earth, yet he was the embodiment of the Almighty God. The theological term is “God incarnate” (in flesh).
Today, the church is the embodiment of the Almighty God. Don’t misunderstand this point. We are not little gods on the earth, but it is clear that God, the Holy Spirit, dwells in every believer.
Just as Jesus, the Christ on earth, had to submit to the will of the Father, so we, his extended body on earth, must submit to the will of the Father.
All that God intended to do through Christ has become the responsibility of the church. We are vital components to the will of God being fulfilled on earth. I challenge you, as James does in his writing, “Submit yourselves therefore to God.”
Prayer: Father, I have received Christ, but I’m not sure I have learned to submit as Jesus submitted. Grant me the grace to yield my will and submit to your guidance that I might help fulfill your purpose on earth. In Jesus name, amen.
The Church – His Body
Message: The body of Christ in the earth today is the extension of the Christ, the anointing of God, that rested in Jesus. All that God intended to do through Christ has become the responsibility of the church. We are vital components to the will of God being fulfilled on earth.
Affirmation: I submit to the will of God because I realize that as a follower of Christ I am the anointed of God to bring reconciliation to my community.
Reflection: It is important to realize that just as Jesus was the anointed of God for his generation so we are the anointed of God for this generation. Give some thought to what it means that we are his body, his fullness here on earth.