Becoming A Power Witness
Some people mistake the ability to witness, or share Christ, with the power of a Spirit filled witness. Being a witness with power is not the same as having the ability to speak about Christ.
There is a story in the book of Acts of some men who were impressed when they saw the apostles doing great miracles in the name of Jesus and tried to cast out a demon in the name of Jesus. The demon cried out, “Jesus I know, and I know about Paul, but who are you?” (Acts 19:15). The evil spirit then attacked them and beat them severely.
There is a difference between knowing the name of Jesus and being filled with the Holy Spirit through faith in that name. God has given the command to every believer, “Be filled with the Holy Spirit.”
When a person is filled with the Holy Spirit there is power in their witness that convicts the unbeliever. One morning I saw the power witness of a Spirit filled life. A young man gave his heart to the Lord because of the witness of another young man whose life he had seen changed by the power of God.
Your witness must be more than the words you speak. Words alone will not cause people to change. To be effective our witness must be filled with power. “You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you.”
Prayer: Lord, make me a power witness by filling me with your Holy Spirit. Fill me daily with your Spirit. In Jesus name, amen.
Message: Some people mistake the ability to witness, or share Christ, with the power of a Spirit filled witness. When a person is filled with the Holy Spirit there is power in their witness that convicts the unbeliever.
Affirmation: I not only want to witness to others about Christ but I want my witness to be empowered by the Holy Spirit so that those who hear will be convicted and receive Christ.
Reflection: What does it mean to be filled with the Holy Spirit? What are some of the evidences or signs that a person is filled with the Holy Spirit? How has the Holy Spirit affected your life?