Naomi… The Pleasant One
The test of a persons’ character is how they respond to difficulty and tragedy. Naomi was certainly put to the test.
This woman, whose name means pleasant, went with her husband to a foreign land when they were trying to survive a famine. There they did well until her husband died. Not long after he died her two sons also died leaving her with two daughters-in-law to care for and support.
Naomi was truly a pleasant one. There was an integrity of character in her that she had been instilling in her daughters-in-law. When she told them they must return to their families they replied, “We will go back with you to your people.” When we display godly character others will want to follow us.
We cannot avoid hardship in this life, but we can allow hardship to bring out the character of Christ in us. As long as we are looking at the hardship and bemoaning the fate that has come to us we will miss the best that God has for us.
Look for a chance to display the character of Christ in every tragedy and you will lead others to Christ as they see His character in you.
Prayer: Lord, I look at the example of Naomi and I feel that I fall far short of what you would have me to be. Grant me the character of Christ. Amen.
Message: We cannot avoid hardship in this life, but we can allow hardship to bring out the character of Christ in us. As long as we are looking at the hardship and bemoaning the fate that has come to us we will miss the best that God has for us.
Affirmation: Hardships bring out the depth of my faith. With God’s grace I will endure hard times and become stronger as I serve Him faithfully.
Reflection: The story of Naomi in the book of Ruth is a lesson in character and faithfulness. We should remember that we cannot avoid hardship, but we can determine the effect that hardship has on us. How can we have a faith which will take us through difficult times?