God’s Word Speaks Direction To Us
Isaiah had been prophesying a time of great distress that was coming upon the people because of their waywardness. Then in the middle of this time of judgment he writes, “How gracious he will be when you cry for help!” Isaiah is telling us, and the people of his time, that God is like a loving father; when we have done wrong he disciplines us and when we turn from our waywardness he is gracious to us.
When we come to realize that our way is in conflict with God’s way and approach him with a repentant heart, his grace is released upon us. He will speak gently to us with direction for our life. When we would turn to the left or to the right he is there to guide us in making the right choices.
Has disaster come to your life? Do you feel the frustration of your life being out of order and you feel the creeping tentacles of chaos trying to destroy you? If you do, take hope in this passage. He is gracious when you cry for help and “as soon as he hears , he will answer you.”
Do not despair! If you veer from the path He will be the voice behind you saying, “This is the way, go this way, and I will be with you.”
Prayer: Lord, I need answers. Grant me the grace of clear direction for my life, and give me the ability to hear your voice. In Jesus name. Amen.
Message: When we come to realize that our way is in conflict with God’s way and approach him with a repentant heart, his grace is released upon us. He will speak gently to us with direction for our life. When we would turn to the left or to the right he is there to guide us in making the right choices.
Affirmation: I have found the Lord to be gracious when I cry for help. He is always there when I need him.
Reflection: Think about the setting of this prophecy by Isaiah. Israel is facing God's wrath for centuries of failing to follow him. Yet, in the middle of pronouncing calamity God says he will be gracious when they call on him. What does this tell you about the nature of God?