We Are The “Amen” To God’s Promises
No matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God. Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come. - 2 Corinthians 1:20-22
Some doubt the promises of God based on their experience in the natural realm. What I mean by that is all of the experience we have as humans is in the temporal realm of a decaying system. The promises of God are from the eternal source of life. Without a spiritual awakening we cannot comprehend the power of God that is released through his promises.
Paul writes that it is through Him – through our faith in Christ, that we are able to give a strong “Amen,” to the promises. Carefully think about this for a moment: God has anointed us, put his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts. What he has already done for us is just a deposit which guarantees that all he has promised is going to come to pass.
We are to speak the amen – the “I agree, let it be so,” to the promises of God. It is our amen, our commitment in faith, to his promises that releases his power to perform.
We have read what God has said and we agree that it is true and it will come to pass because we know that the promises of God are true and they will be fulfilled. It is because we believe this that we become God's "amen."
Prayer: Lord, I want to be your amen. Grant me the grace of faith that I might stand firm in believing your promises and walk in the hope they offer. I ask in Jesus name. Amen.
We Are The “Amen” To God’s Promises
Message: We are to speak the “amen” – the “I agree, let it be so,” to the promises of God. It is our amen, our commitment in faith, to his promises that releases his power to perform. It is our faithfulness which is the “amen” to the promises of God.
Affirmation: I have ordered my life around the commands of Christ and it is my life that is my affirmation of faith in his promises.
Reflection: Think about it. Is your life an affirmation, or amen, to the commands and promises of God? What do you see to be the basic difference between what this world system offers and what God promises?
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