Asking The Wrong People
The scriptures teach that there is wisdom in counsel, but if one receives unwise counsel then the result could be disastrous. The scripture passage for today begins a story of good intentions with tragic results.
We will spend the next 7 days looking at the story of David bringing the ark back to its’ home.
David made a series of mistakes when he decided to bring the ark of the covenant home. The first mistake he made was seeking counsel in the wrong place. He called together his generals, as if he were calling a counsel of war, to discuss bringing the ark home. Then he called the people together to get their opinion. The collective opinion of his leaders and the people was that it seemed right to bring the ark home.
The problem was that nobody consulted the Lord. A lesson to learn here is that we can’t seek human counsel for a spiritual act. David should have consulted with the priests and Levites; they would have given him wise counsel.
David discovered that the will of the people does not equate to the will of the Lord. Seeking direction from the wrong people leads to adverse consequences so we must be committed to seeking godly counsel and follow it.
Seeking counsel is wise – talk to the right people
Prayer: Lord, grant me the grace to seek counsel from the right sources. In Jesus name. Amen.
Asking The Wrong People
Message: The will of the people does not equate to the will of the Lord. Seeking direction from the wrong people leads to adverse consequences so we must be committed to seeking godly counsel and follow it
Affirmation: In every major decision it is best to seek the Lord first then consult with other trusted spiritual leaders.
Reflection: Why do you think it was wrong for David to consult with his generals about bringing the Ark home? Was it a good idea to consult with the people? Who should David have talked to about bringing the Ark home? How would that apply to our life today?
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