The Cost Of Sacrifice
The king replied to Araunah, “No, I insist on paying you for it. I will not sacrifice to the Lord my God burnt offerings that cost me nothing.”- 2 Samuel 24:24
David had sinned and as a result a terrible judgment had come upon Israel. An angel of death had been sent to bring judgment upon the people for David’s sin. Finally David cried out, “Enough! Withdraw your hand. I am the one who has sinned and done wrong. Let your hand fall upon me.”
In answer the Lord told David to make a sacrifice at the place where the plague stopped. It was land owned by Araunah. David offered to buy the land and Araunah wanted to donate it. David responded to Araunah with these words; “I will not sacrifice to the Lord my God burnt offerings that cost me nothing.”
The price paid for his sin was great and David could not make a flippant offer to the Lord that had not cost him something. My friend, the price for our sin was greater yet, and there is no price that can be placed on our salvation – but it will cost us everything.
Offering to the Lord what cost us nothing is disrespecting the price he paid for us. We too often emphasize the free gift of salvation and as a result those who claim it have not realized its cost. Easy believism produces easy living Christians.
Jesus said, “If a person will be my disciple he must deny himself”(Matthew 16:24). Sacrificing our will is the cost of this faith walk. What has your walk cost you?
Prayer: Lord, help me to fully realize the price that was paid for my salvation and give me the grace to give back to you all that I am and ever hope to be. In Jesus name, amen.
Message: Offering to the Lord what cost us nothing is disrespecting the price he paid for us. We too often emphasize the free gift of salvation and as a result those who claim it have not realized its cost. Easy believism produces easy living Christians.
Affirmation: I am committed to paying the price of self-sacrifice so that I might continue in peace with God.
Reflection: Why do you think David would not accept the land as a donation? What do you feel God expects us to give to him as a sacrifice? What was Jesus talking about when he said that his followers must deny themselves?
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