Do Not Be Afraid, Little Flock
Some heard the message of surrendering to God all that they were and all that they had. And some were offended by his way of refuting their philosophies. The throng which gathered around him was mixed, but there were enough angry men among them to cause concern in those who were believing what he was saying.
Discerning the atmosphere of anger and the tension that was building around them Jesus speaks to the believers, “Do not be afraid, little flock.” When it seems all the forces of hell are being released upon us and we feel like a sparrow caught in a storm with lighting flashing, thunder rolling, and rain pelting on us, then we remember that Jesus is watching over even the sparrows and says. “Do not be afraid, flock of little ones.”
I know a man that God had blessed to make millions of dollars. He invested in a company that was growing and multiplying his money. He took all that he had and invested it in that company. In just a short time that company went bankrupt and his millions were gone. What did he do? He continued to trust God because his security was not in his riches but in the God who gives and takes according to his own purposes.
This man knew that God had given him the kingdom and that the kingdoms of this world, financial kingdoms, political kingdoms, and all other kingdoms, would fall before the Lord God but the kingdom of God is forever and ever.
His worldly wealth has not been restored but it is evident that his treasure in heaven has increased. God has given him a ministry of teaching people to be set free from strongholds in their life and many thousands are getting free. What a treasure.
Prayer: Lord, help me not to look with envy at the wealth of the world, grant me the grace to build treasure in your kingdom. Amen.
Message: The kingdoms of this world, financial kingdoms, political kingdoms, and all other kingdoms, will fall before the Lord God, but the kingdom of God is forever and ever.
Affirmation: I hold my possessions loosely because my hope is not in them and they are not my treasure. My treasure is in heaven where it cannot be destroyed or stolen.
Reflection: Was Jesus really telling people to sell all that they have and give to the poor? And, how can we provide, "purses for ourselves that will not wear out?" How can we live out this instruction from Jesus in our daily walk?