Paul expands upon the message that Peter delivered to the house of Cornelius. Peter declared that the message Christ delivered was peace with God and even the Gentiles could participate in that peace. Paul gave a little more understanding on the subject by declaring that there is no longer Jew and Gentile in the eyes of God but that the two have been made one.
Though Peter accepted the Gentiles into the church, he still thought they should be “converted” Jews and this created a barrier between both groups of believers. This barrier became so defined that it was the focus of the first general council of the church.
It was the conclusion of this church council that the Gentiles would not be required to follow Jewish law. Paul was addressing this issue when he wrote, “[God] has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility by abolishing in his flesh the law with its commandments and regulations.” And what was God’s purpose in this? “His purpose was to create in himself one new man out of the two thus making peace.”
There are still people today who will use the occasion of differences in doctrine to divide the church by erecting barriers of separation. There will always be differences among us, but there is just one “new man” and that is the body of Christ we call the church. We who are called into the body of Christ are obliged to accept the whole body as one, tearing down any barriers and being at peace others.
Prayer: Lord, it is so easy to become convinced that I am right and others are wrong, and it is even easier to build barriers between believers. Grant me the grace to be at peace with those who do not see things just as I do. In Jesus name, amen.
Christ Made Peace With All Men
Principle: God has broken down the barriers between people groups by making peace with all who would call upon the name of the Lord.
Affirmation: I have peace with God and I accept all others who have made peace with God regardless of who they are or what they have been.
Reflection: What did Paul mean when he wrote, “[God] has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility by abolishing in his flesh the law with its commandments and regulations.”
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