Be Wise In Preparedness
Be Wise In Preparedness
Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour. - Matthew 25:1-13
The three parables of Matthew 25 form the basis for the devotions over the next three days. These parables tell us to be watching, be wise and be serving.
In this first parable Jesus is contrasting those who are prepared with those who are not prepared. Most of us have had at least one time when we were asked to do something that filled us with excitement, in fact, we became so excited about being asked to do it that we forgot to adequately prepare.
This passage is the parable of 10 virgins who were invite to a wedding. Five of them were wise and prepared for the possibility of a delay and brought extra oil for their lamps.
Five of them failed to bring enough oil to keep their lamps burning. Perhaps if the groom had not been delayed they would have been ready, but he was delayed.
Unexpected delays are tests of our preparedness – be prepared for all things.
It was no accident that the wise virgins had enough oil. They anticipated the possibility of needing more so they were prepared. Think about it.
Prayer: Lord, grant me the wisdom to guard my life so that I will not fail to be prepared to serve you well and serve you faithfully. Grant me the fullness of your Spirit. In Jesus name, amen.
Be Wise In Preparedness
Message: Unexpected delays are tests of our preparedness – be prepared for all things. It was no accident that the wise virgins had enough oil. They anticipated the possibility of needing more so they were prepared.
Affirmation: I anticipate the possibility of things happening beyond what has been planned. Therefore, I prepare for more than is expected.
Reflection: Read the entire parable of the 10 young women found in Matthew 25:1-13. What was the one thing which showed that one group was more prepared than the other? How would you apply the message of this parable today?
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